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Friday, July 31

The boys be twinning 
I decided to cook turkey burgers and brownies 
I've been having writers block for my mba papers. It's hard to let go of things you want. But I'm trying. No feelings. 

Sunday, July 26

After watching what seems like 6 months of sad depressing tv shows, there's something to look forward to. It's called covert affairs. The best part of being home is the breakfast. 
And the best part of flying is first class. Or not flying at all. I look forward to the sunsets and the sunrises. 

And watching the clouds in between. 

Friday, November 21

My fast food life seems to be productive  


Romney spoke to BYU. And was actually funny

The gray has set in on Utah


Wednesday, October 15

Our neighbors are putting up their Christmas. So after a fun day of shopping we found Christmas decorations and a man for me. Yay!!

Saturday, September 20

You I had never been to Park City
So Michele and I took a girls weekend and saw the town
I loved it and it reminded me of Europe 
Zoe and I also did henna
Gotta love no school

Thursday, September 11

After getting out of work early and hearing that Michele and the gang was at the fair so I decided to join them
After stuffing ourselves full of fried food and seeing crap performers 
We had a great time!

Sunday, September 7

It's game day
And on game day we serve popcorn, chips and Pepsi 
Which no one wants and they trade it for coke 
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